
Recycling: Washi Tales  〔和名:舞台「リサイクリング‥和紙物語」 〕
                          田村 正 会員関連
会 期; 3月24日(木) 25日(金) 8:00pm – 9:30pm
会 場;Asia Society 〈 725 Park Avenue, New York, NY 〉
入場料 $22 members; $26 students/seniors; $30 nonmembers.
 和紙造形作家の伊部京子さんが 原案を、米国人の脚本家Elise Thoronさんがシナリオと演出を手がけた、米国人俳優が案内役となって和紙を巡る物語。

1. Najio River
A bittersweet tale of how paper making became a tradition in the village of Najio. During the Edo era, paper making was industrious at Echizen, so a traveler from Najio, in order to support his family, came to Echizen and befriended a village woman. He took her has his wife and learned all he could before returning to Najio, and spreading the traditions of Echizen. As the story unravels, the woman from Echizen, along with their daughter, go to search for her missing husband and the truth.
2. Hogosho
Hogo paper is scrap paper used to document the people, taxes, receipts, and documents from the village. This depiction shows how it is recycled and made into new paper. It also dwells deeper into the meaning of Hogoshi as the scraps come alive with the laughter, songs, whispers, and voices of the people.
3. Sen no Rikyu
Rikyu is a man of great looks and height. He is a zen and tea master who has a tea room that upsets and defies the power of the shogun. The entrance to the room is lowered so that any man or creature who enters is of the same rank, and the grey paper on his walls tests his loyalties. When serving some officers of the shogun, he is ordered to be killed, which he takes with his own hands only after serving them tea. His legacy, bigger then before, continues to live on.
4. Fujiwara Tamiko
Fujiwara Tamiko is the lover of the 10th century Seiwa Emperor. After his death she uses his old love letters to write sutras for him and passes them out to their close friends and families. She transforms her loss into prayer through the help of washi.

Presented with support from The Japan Foundation


1、Recycling: Washi Tales
1 (1)

2、『HAND PAPERMAKING』(2014年夏号)表紙を飾ったWashi Talesの舞台、文学座俳優今井園子氏。

3、『HAND PAPERMAKING』(2014年夏号)Washi Tales紹介記事


5、Shonosuke Okura and Karen Kandel